The Everyday Warrior

A chronicle of the everyday challenges of being a mother, a runner and everything in between.

Warrior Dash #2 Recap August 3, 2012

The Warrior Dash is where it all began.

Prior to last year’s Warrior Dash, I was a mud / obstacle run virgin. Quite honestly I was scared to death of doing it. I even said “This is sooooo NOT my kind of race!” What a difference a year makes! Now I LIVE for these types of events!

The day before the Warrior Dash I woke up feeling excited and my endorphins were already pumping. I could not wait for race day! I may have even been annoyingly perky and overly happy all day. Just ask my co-workers! The morning of this year’s race was much different from the morning of my first Warrior Dash. Gone was the fear and hesitation of competing in such an event. Instead, I felt confident and prepared for the muddy obstacle filled fun ahead!

At this Warrior Dash, I met up with two bad ass girls (Brittany & Jessica) who also happen to be two of my teammates from my Tough Mudder race! Once you run a Tough Mudder with someone you are bonded for life. True story.

We are all squeaky clean in this pic! Not for long!

Both of the girls had never done a Warrior Dash before. But again, they are Tough Mudder chicks so …….

Once it was time to line up for our wave we decided it would be best to start as close to the front of the pack as possible. Last year I started in the back of my wave and it resulted in a lot of bottlenecking at obstacles. We also decided that we wanted to push ourselves just to see what we could accomplish. With that goal in mind we squeezed our way to the front of the wave and once our race began we sprinted to the first obstacle.

Obstacle #1: Barricade Breakdown – I don’t know what it is about climbing over walls and under barbed wire that does it for me but this is one of my favorite obstacles. They had this last year and there was also something just like it at the Tough Mudder.

Obstacle #2: Capsized Catamaran – I did not do this obstacle. I know, I know….but let me explain. This required you to swim to a barge, hop on the barge, go across the barge, get back off and swim to the other side. I am not a strong swimmer and we were warned very loudly that the water was over 10 feet deep and weak swimmers should not attempt the obstacle. I hate passing up an obstacle. Had this been a Tough Mudder I have no doubt in my mind that someone would have seen my hesitation and would have helped me through it one way or another. Unfortunately the camaraderie that exists in a Tough Mudder race does not exist in the Warrior Dash. I am not knocking the Warrior Dash. They are just very different races. With that in mind I knew that if I could not rely on myself to get across then I should not attempt it. It should also be noted that my time was not any better for going around the obstacle as I waited for Brittany to complete it.

Obstacle #3: Chaotic Crossover – Another repeat from last year. It is a giant cargo net laid horizontally across support beams. Fun!

Obstacle #4: Hard Rain – Sounds harder than it was. Basically it was an elevated platform that you had to climb up while water was being forced upon you. Force may be too strong of a word. That water wasn’t very forceful more like refreshing. At the top of the platform you had to turn around and lower yourself down.

Obstacle #5: Mud Mound – Another newbie! You had to climb up and over huge mounds of mud / dirt that were a tad slippery.

Obstacle #6: Road Rage– An oldie but a goodie. It was like running in a junkyard. Over cars and tires. I was surprised by the number of people who were going AROUND this obstacle. I know it sounds hypocritical, but really…why would you go around this?

Obstacle #7: Great Warrior Wall – I redeemed myself this year on this obstacle. Last year I panicked at the top of it but this year I climbed up and over like a pro. That’s not to say that my fear of heights is cured. I just know I can do it now.

Obstacle #8: Mortimer’s Crossing – Another new one! You had to make your way across a rope bridge. It wasn’t high off the ground at all, so it was easy.

Obstacle #9: The Trenches – This was big trenches in the ground with large logs on top. This was a pretty quick obstacle to get through.

Obstacle #10: Storming Normandy – This was barbed wire that was low to the ground that you had to army crawl through. Hard on the knees but fun.

Obstacle #11: Cargo Climb – Same as last year but it’s definitely one that should stay around. By the time I got to this obstacle my arms were feeling the effects of being abused in ways they aren’t normally. I need to work on my upper body strength. I also still had trouble with turning around at the top of it so I could come down the other side. My height does not work in my favor when it comes to that.

Obstacle #12: Warrior Roast – It wouldn’t be a Warrior Dash without fire jumping. What’s not to love about it!

Obstacle #13: Muddy Mayhem – The very last obstacle is the muddiest of all! One last army crawl under barbed wire in a big pit of mud.

Crossing the finish line! Muddy and happy!

When I crossed the finish line I glanced up at the clock to see how we fared. The clock said 43 minutes and some change. If memory serves correctly it was 43:45. I was pretty pumped about that! Unfortunately, for whatever reason my time and Brittany’s time is not listed on the Warrior Dash results page. 😦 I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised about this considering my time last year was listed in the wrong age group – by 60 years!!! But I am still bummed that this year’s was not listed because I would have actually placed 17th or higher in my age group depending on exactly how many second I was over 43 minutes. I don’t normally place that high and I would just like to have it officially recorded somewhere so I can say “Hey, look what I did!!!” I’ll get over it…eventually.

My new bling!

I had a super fun time at the Warrior Dash and you better believe that I will be back for more next year!

And in a few years, perhaps my future Warrior will do one with me!


Running Topless August 1, 2012

Filed under: Fitness,Life,Running — Betsy @ 6:00 am
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I have a confession to make….

I run topless.

Okay, so technically I don’t run completely topless. I run with a sports bra on but I am usually sans shirt. I haven’t always been comfortable running without a shirt on. In fact, this is the first year that I have braved running outside without a shirt on and this past Sunday was my first race that I ran wearing just a sports bra and shorts.

In the comfort of my own home I have always worked out in as little as possible. It keeps me cooler during my workouts and it cuts down on laundry. It’s a win-win! But I had always been hesitant about running in public without a shirt on because I felt that people would think I was saying “Look at me!” In actuality what I am saying is “It is too freakin hot out to wear a shirt!”

At this point in my life I don’t care so much about what people think. Look at me or don’t look at me while I am running. I could care less either way. I am not out there running for the attention, I am out there running for me. So why not be as comfortable as possible in the process?

Interestingly the topic about women running without a shirt on sparks a lot of debate on both sides of the issue. Check out this post from Charlotte over at Wild Things RUN Free. Like Charlotte, I have received both positive and negative feedback in regards to my choice to run in just my sports bra as well.

What it comes down to is what feels comfortable to YOU! If you want to run in just your sport bra (or shirtless if you’re a guy) then more power to you! And if you are more comfortable wearing a shirt, then wear a shirt. And while we are at it lets stop passing judgement along to others who choose to do the opposite of you. Because whether you like it or not, I am still going to be running topless!


Medal Mania Monday July 30, 2012


Renewal By Andersen of Detroit & A FREE Race Entry! July 25, 2012

Remember this blog post about me winning a race entry courtesy of Renewal by Andersen of Detroit?

Well, guess what??? Now it is your turn to try to win a race entry for yourself! You heard right! Brandon from Renewal by Andersen of Detroit has generously offered a free race entry to one of my blog readers and it could be you!

Before we get to the specifics on the contest you may be asking yourself the same question I posed to Brandon. Why does Renewal by Andersen of Detroit sponsor runners into races? Afterall, they are not a running company…. Well it turns out that Brandon has a passion for running and found a way to incorporate his love of the sport into his career. His persistence about the idea has encouraged others in the company to take up running and it has allowed the company  the opportunity to be actively involved in the community by promoting a healthy active lifestyle. I don’t know about you, but if I ever need replacement windows this is the company I would want to buy them from. 🙂

All right, back to the contest.

The premise is simple. I have 1 race entry and 1 Renewal be Andersen race shirt to give away to 1 lucky reader. That reader will get to select a race entry to 1 of the following races.

Run for the Hills in Farmington 8/18

Merrell Down & Dirty 8/26 (I’ll be at this one!)

Milford Labor Day 30k – 9/1

St. Mary Mercy Run for Cancer – 9/9

Run for Ribbons 5k in Plymouth – 9/23

Brooksie Way Half Marathon  – 9/30

Awesome selections right?

And an awesome race shirt!

An added bonus is that entering the contest is simple. Just click here to go to the Renewal by Andersen Facebook page and “like” their page. After you have done that come back to this post and leave me a comment that you did. You can also get a bonus entry into the contest by following Renewal by Andersen on Twitter. Click here to do that. And make sure you leave me a comment that you followed them so I can make sure you get your bonus entry. Feel free to post or tweet something to them about how awesome they are for sponsoring runners into races. It won’t help your chances of winning but good karma can’t hurt. 🙂

So what are you waiting for?? Enter now as this contest ends at 8pm est on August 1st!

Good luck!!!


Motivational Monday July 23, 2012

If you follow my blog on Facebook then you probably already know that I love motivational quotes and pictures. I get most of them from other Facebook pages (mostly I ❤ to Run or MotivateHopeStrength) or from Pinterest. Since this is the first week of my training for the Nike Women’s Half Marathon, I thought I would take the time to share some of my favorite motivational pictures to get the week started!

My all time favorite!

What are some of your favorite motivational quotes?


Wordless Wednesday #12 July 18, 2012



Mud Run Fanatic July 16, 2012

Recently I entered a contest on Facebook to win a sponsorship for a free race entry! I love free! Especially a free race entry! The contest was held by a local windows and door company Renewal by Andersen who also happens to sponsor local runners in local races! Love, love, love that! The contest was simple. All I had to do is post a running pic of myself on their Facebook wall and the top 3 people with the most likes got to be sponsored in a race. Here is the one that I posted.

My Tough Mudder pic, of course!

Unfortunately, I did not place in the top 3 BUT they gave EVERYONE who posted a pic a sponsorship into a race. WooHoo!

I was asked to email my top 3 race choices from their list of sponsored races. After looking at their races my top pick went to a mud run race (a no brainer choice), second pick was a 5k race (I still need to hit my 27 mins or less goal) and my third pick was a popular local half marathon (why not?). And guess what? I got into my first choice race!

So I will be doing this race in August! 🙂

Can. Not. Wait.

Speaking of mud runs. In just about two weeks I will be returning to the site of my first EVER mud run. And the one that got me hooked on doing them. The Warrior Dash!!! Woot! Let’s hope they don’t make me age by 60 years again.

In case you haven’t already guessed, I may have an addiction to mud runs. What is your running / workout addiction?


What counts as a PR? July 13, 2012

Filed under: Fitness,Running — Betsy @ 6:00 am
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The other day I ran 3.01 miles in just a little over 27 minutes! This was pretty exciting for two reasons. 1) I just had two fillings replaced and my mouth was so sore that all I really wanted to do was crawl into bed and sleep it off. 2) One of my running goals for this year is to run a 5k in 27 minutes or less and this run was as close as I have come to that goal!

Getting so close to my 5k goal time got me thinking about PRs and what counts as a PR. For me, only races count as PRs. If I PR on a training run I am super excited about it but I don’t consider it to be a PR until I can duplicate the performance in a race. There is just something about the nerves of race day, running with fellow runners, wearing a timing chip and crossing a finish line that makes a race seem PR worthy. Training runs are more controlled and are more low key than races and for those reasons I do not consider my run times to be official PRs.

What about you? What counts as a PR? Just races or races and training runs?


It’s MY Birthday Week! July 2, 2012

I am hoping that I will blogging more regularly now that my internet problem has finally been resolved!! Geez I missed having internet!

And it was fixed just in time for my Birthday week! Yep, that’s right. I want a whole week dedicated to my Birthday not just one day! Why a whole week? Well for starters, having a Birthday on a holiday is a rip off. Click here to read my post about being Born on the 4th of July. And secondly, I have a few friends that celebrate their birthdays for a whole month! So I don’t think I am out of line to want to celebrate my birthday for a whole week!

My ideal birthday week would include all of these things. (In no particular order.)

1. Ice Cream!!! – What’s not to love about ice cream? No birthday week or even a regular week is complete without it.

2. Birthday cards! – I love cards. I’m partial to the funny and sappy variety but any card makes me smile.

3. Time with family & friends – Who better to spend my birthday week with other than with the ones I love. 🙂 Especially this guy…

He had a ton of fun at the fireworks this past weekend!

4. Great runs / workouts – Running is a part of who I am and it keeps me balanced. So of course I will be getting in my workouts during my birthday week!

5. Time with Mr. Sarcastic– He makes me happy. (And that is all the info you are getting about him…for now.)

6. Fireworks – It’s kind of a birthday tradition of mine.

7. Surprises – Only good ones of course.

I might even do something crazy and ONLY blog about my birthday this week! Stay tuned. 😉


Learning to Love the Treadmill June 25, 2012

Filed under: Fitness,Health,Life,Running — Betsy @ 6:00 am
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I’ll be honest, I am in the very beginning stages of learning to love the treadmill. In all reality I pretty much loathe it. For clarification purposes….. I L-O-A-T-H-E the treadmill! I try to trick my brain into liking it by calling it cute names like the happymill or the thrillmill but let’s face it, it’s still the dreadmilll.

I find the treadmill to be incredibly boring. It doesn’t matter if I watch TV or listen to music, I still find myself thinking that stabbing myself in the eye with a sharp object would be a less painful undertaking. My longest run I have ever done on a treadmill was 10 miles. That was TOUGH! Even the treadmill thought that I should have thrown in the towel as it turned itself off after 60 minutes. But I was training for my first half marathon and I was determined to get my long run in despite the snow storm that was brewing outside.

Now that it is Summer in Michigan, I am dealing with a whole different kind of weather debacle. Heat and humidity! I like running outside when it is warm but 80 degrees is my cut off point. Lately it has been in the 90’s and that is just not smart running weather. My choices are either to get up early in the morning to run (I already get up at 5am for work so that is not an option) or to enter into a truce with the treadmill. Obviously I have picked the latter option.

Knowing the tumultuous history the treadmill and I have had with each other, I knew that I needed to do something to dull the boredom of it and get me on the path of at least liking if not loving the treadmill.

Here are my 4 tried and true tactics to take the boredom out of running on the treadmill.

1. Race on the treadmill – Find an open treadmill next to a runner and race them. The person doesn’t even need to know that you are racing them but if you are competitive like I am, that will be enough to get you through your miles.

2. Speed Work – Speed work is very simple to do on the treadmill and it helps break up the run!

3. Hill work – Again another thing that is easy to do on the treadmill and it helps break up the monotony. The Nike Women’s half marathon is just about 4 months away and it is rumored to be hilly. The heat is a great opportunity for me to start training for hills!

4. Get in the zone – Pick a spot on the wall or some other stationary object in front of you and just get lost in your running. This is easier for me to do on the treadmill than outside as I tend to get distracted by the sounds and sights of the outside world and it is important to be aware of what is happening around you when you run outside. Running on a treadmill frees me of those responsibilities.  I would like to think I look focused when I do this but I may just look possessed.

So what about you? Do you love or loathe the treadmill? What are some ways you beat the boredom of treadmill running?