The Everyday Warrior

A chronicle of the everyday challenges of being a mother, a runner and everything in between.

Wordless Wednesday #11 July 11, 2012




It’s All About the Hair! May 10, 2011

Filed under: Silly Brennen — Betsy @ 12:24 pm
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Lately I have been feeling like I have been living in a shampoo commercial. You know, the ones where a woman washes her hair and then emerges from the bathroom perfectly styled, swinging her hair back and forth in slow motion.

Only my commercial is being directed by my 3-year-old son and my hair is not perfectly styled.

Yesterday morning Brennen woke up and wandered into the kitchen as I was eating breakfast before I went to work. As he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, I waited for the usual “Morning, Momma. I sleep good” greeting. But instead I got, “Hair down Momma, hair down.” For as long as I can remember Brennen has always preferred my hair down. “But Brennen, I already did my hair for work.” I said as I tried to rationalize with him. (Not that you can rationalize with a 3 year old.) “Hair. Down. Momma!” He says more firmly. I sigh and un-clip my hair, trying to avoid a meltdown before I leave for work. (I do not need any more working mother guilt than necessary) “Do this, Momma.” He says as he slowly moves his head side to side letting his imaginary long hair swish around his head. I sigh again, but comply with his request as past experience has taught me that he won’t give up until I do it. As I shake my head back and forth causing my hair to swoosh around my head, Brennen’s face lights up and he grins from ear to ear as he says, “Hair looks nice, Momma.” And I can’t help but smile right along with him! 🙂