The Everyday Warrior

A chronicle of the everyday challenges of being a mother, a runner and everything in between.

Rock CF Rivers Race Recap March 30, 2012

This past Sunday I ran my first race of the year! And it was my first race since Rock ‘n’ Roll Las Vegas. (Note to self: Don’t let there be so much time in between races. Racing is awesome!)

I ran the Rock CF Rivers 5k last year and loved it! No only is it a very organized and scenic race but it also benefits a cause very close to my heart, Cystic Fibrosis. I am fortunate that my son is just a carrier of the disease but he had to undergo lots of testing for us to get that diagnosis and I learned a lot about the disease in the process. If you would like to learn a little bit about Cystic Fibrosis for yourself, click here.

When I originally signed up for the race, I had signed up for the half marathon relay. However, a few days before race day my relay partner informed me that he would not be able to run. At that point I figured I had two options. I could either change to the 5k or change to the full half marathon. Thanks to the encouragement of all my friends, I decided to run the half. The Monday before the race I had ran 9 miles in 90 mins and prior to running RnRLV my longest run was 9 miles so I knew it was do-able.

The night before the race I laid out all my running gear and prepared to go to bed early!

My shirt and shoes match! Go me!

However, I was super excited about the race so I tossed and turned and probably only got a few solid hours of sleep before my alarm went off at 4am. Sleep or no sleep, it was race day so that alone motivated me to get out of bed and get going! I got dressed and ate some cereal before I headed out for my hour drive to Grosse Ile.

I got to the bus pick up area around 6am despite passing my exit on the expressway and having to loop around to get back on track. Packet pick up was easy peasy which left me with plenty of time to relax and mentally prepare for the race. I hate being rushed before the start of the race so this was a perfect scenario for me. Just before 7am I went to the bathroom for the last time and headed over to the start line to stretch and look for Megan from Watch MeGo Run . She was super nice and super speedy!

I tried not to put too many expectations on myself for this race since it was an unplanned half marathon and technically I needed to approach it as a training run for the Tough Mudder. But I will be honest, I had a super secret goal of finishing in 2:10 based on how well I had been running lately.

The first five miles of the race went a little like this in my head. “I’m running too fast, now I’m running too slow, I’m starving!” Yep, for a full 5 miles this is what I struggled with. I rarely do this. Once the race starts I usually get into a zone and just run. Not sure why it didn’t happen this time . . . maybe it was because of my super secret goal. At mile five I finally said to myself, “Why are you doing this to yourself, just effing run.” And it worked! I got into my happy zone and did what I love to do . . . I ran!

Miles 5-13.1 were super enjoyable for me. I enjoyed the scenery, my fellow runners and the feeling of being strong! At one point in the race I ran by a girl I had met while standing in the bathroom line. We bonded over wearing the same shoes and she had told me it was her first half. I was excited to see her and I gave her some words of encouragement as I ran by. It was a nice feeling to not be the newbie half marathoner anymore. 🙂 The relay exchange was just shy of the 8 mile mark and since I was wearing a relay bib all of the volunteers really wanted me to come off the course. I kept shouting “No, it’s ok. I switched to the half.” After saying that a few times the runner next to me said “I want to switch to the relay.” That made me chuckle a little. Towards the end of the race I passed a pregnant runner who deserves some props. Well, let’s face it. ALL pregnant runners deserve some props. She was rocking that race and I told her I thought she was doing awesome!

It should be noted that this race had LOTS of water stations and many had GU and Powerade as well. However, I carry all of my own stuff with me but I ended up running out of water and I grabbed a cup of water at the last aid station. Hence the reason my race pics look like this. Just one of the many reasons I carry my own water, I can’t drink out of those little cups!

The finish line of the race is on a high school track. As I ran onto the track there were a couple of guy runners next to me who were encouraging the other to sprint to the finish. Which meant they were passing me. Which in turn made me say “Um, hell no!” I had plenty left in me to sprint as well and I gave the guys a run for their money. And yes, I “chicked” them.

I finished with a respectable time of 2:11:43 (that was my offiicial chip time.) It wasn’t a 2:10 but close enough! And it was considerably less than my 2:36:45 that I did at RnRLV. Probably the greatest part of the race was how I felt AFTERWARDS! I didn’t feel like death. I felt GOOD! I am a much stronger runner than I was in December and realizing that makes all my training that much more worth it! Tough Mudder here I come!!!

My new medal!

Did you race this past weekend too? I want to hear about it!


Las Vegas Rock ‘n’ Roll Half Marathon Goals December 4, 2011

Today is THE. BIG. DAY. I will be competing in my first ever half marathon! To say that I am excited is an understatement!

I thought I would take this opportunity to share my goals for the event with you. I actually have 3 goals. An A goal, a B goal and a C goal. I can’ take credit for the idea of setting 3 goals. I actually stole it from another runner who mentioned it during a recent #RunChat. Like most runners, I usually just have one goal for each race. However, having only one goal can lead to disappointment when the goal is not accomplished. And to be honest, I don’t want anything to detract from the accomplishment of training for and completing my first half marathon.

So here are my goals!

A. Finish the half marathon in 2:30 hours or less. Before my knee issue, I was running at a pace that made this goal very feasible!

B. Finish the half marathon in 3 hours or less. This was my goal time when I first signed up for the race.

C. Finish my first half marathon!


In case you are curious, my race number is #33262 and I will be in corral #33 with my hubby who’s race number is #33435. All lucky numbers in my opinion! If you want to spend a couple bucks to track our progress during the race through your cell phone, click here.

At the end of the race, the hubby and I will both be proud owners of one of these! Can’t wait!!!

Glow in the dark race medals! What could be better?!?!


Half Marathon Training: Week 12 November 27, 2011

Well, it’s finally here! My last week of training for the Las Vegas Rock ‘n’ Roll Half Marathon! I am super excited!

Unfortunately, I was not able to run my 10 miler last week as planned. My achy right knee turned into a very sore knee so I decided I would forgo the 10 miler with hopes of returning my knee to its normal state before race day. I have been resting it, icing it, taping it, and even foam rolling my leg to help relieve the pain. I am trying to stay optimistic that everything will work itself out in time for race day. I can tell you one thing for sure, I WILL cross that finish line one way or another! Whether I run across, walk across or crawl across. I know it sounds pretty extreme but I have invested a lot of time and money into this race and I am determined to complete it.

With that being said I am going to listen to my body and do what is best for me knee during this last week of training. 

Here is my plan for the week if my knee is feeling better.

Sunday: Rest Day.

Monday: Pilates DVD.

Tuesday: 4 Mile Run.

Wednesday: 3 Mile Run.

Thursday: 2 Mile Run.

Friday: Rest Day.

Saturday: Rest Day & Garth Brooks Day!

Sunday: Race day!

On this last week of training I wanted to thank everyone for their support and words of encouragement! It has meant a lot to me! If you are interested in tracking my progress on race day, you  can sign-up here to do so. The tracking program does cost a couple bucks, so I certainly don’t expect anyone to sign up for it. But if you do you will receive periodic texts to your cell phone updating you on my progress in my first half marathon. And of course, I will do a recap of the race on my blog once I get settled back in Michigan!


Half Marathon Training: Week 11 November 21, 2011

I can’t believe that I am about to say this but, this is my last FULL week of training for the Las Vegas Rock ‘n’ Roll Half Marathon!!! WooHoo!!! Yeah, I am a little excited!!!

For the last month or so I have been experimenting with different kinds of fuel for my long runs.

These make runners feel like a kid in the candy store. 😉

Between the hubby and I, we have pretty much tried everything in the picture. My favorite is the Jelly Belly Sports Beans (not pictured) and the GU. I have decided that I will primarily be using GU during the RnRLV half marathon. The reason I went with GU is because I feel like it gives me more energy than the other options I tried and it is easier to consume while running. Oddly enough, despite chewing gum while running, the process of chewing and swallowing when running is just too complex for me. My favorite GU flavors so far are Chocolate (it tasted like brownie batter) and Vanilla Bean.
However, I recently ordered a new flavor of GU!

Peanut Butter lovers are rejoicing at the sight of this!

I can not wait to try it!!!Hopefully I will get them in time for my long run on Friday. If it tastes as good as I am expecting, several packets will be coming with me to Vegas!!!
So what do you use to fuel your long runs? Have you tried the new peanut butter GU? If so, please tell me how you liked it!!
He is my training plan for week 11!!!
Sunday: 5 Mile Run
Monday: Insanity DVD
Tuesday: 5 Mile Run & Strength Training
Wednesday: Rest Day!
Thursday: Pilates
Friday: 10 Mile run!!!
Saturday: Stretch & Strengthen
I am hitting another milestone this week. Tackling 10 miles, my longest run ever and my last long run before my first half marathon!!! I am pumped!!!

Half Marathon Training: Week 10 November 14, 2011

I can’t believe it is week 10 of training for my first half marathon! Where did the time go?

Last week was a recovery week for me and at first I was a little apprehensive about scaling back. Part of me just wanted to keep building my mileage and maintain my rigorous work-out schedule. But once I accepted I would be adhering to the recovery plan, I really enjoyed it! And it turns out my body really needed it! My knees have been a little achy since my 8 mile run and they were thankful for the break. I may have also relaxed in other areas of my life too, like housework and blogging. (Hey, Hal said it was a recovery week and I listened!)

But now it’s back to full training again and I am super excited! My first half marathon is right around the corner!!!

Here is my plan for Week #10!


Sunday: 5 Mile Run

Monday: Pilates & Stair Stepper for 40 mins.

Tuesday: 5 Mile Run & Strength Training

Wednesday: Rest Day!

Thursday: 3 Mile Run

Friday:  9 Mile run (yikes!)

Saturday: Stretch & Strengthen

Wow! 9 Miles! It will be my longest run I have ever tackled so far! And if you are doing the math, I am up to 22 miles for the week! But then again, I like a challenge, so bring it on! 🙂


Half Marathon Training: Week 8 October 31, 2011

Last week’s training was incredible! I finished my longest run ever, 7 miles!!! And I even felt good afterwards! I can’t believe I have entered week 8 of training! That means I am more than halfway to my first half marathon! I am so excited!!!

Here’s is what I have planned for week 8!

Sunday: 4.5 Mile Run

Monday: Rest Day / Trick or Treating!

Tuesday: 4.5 Mile Run & Strength Training

Wednesday: Pilates DVD & Stair Stepper for 30 mins.

Thursday: 3 Mile Run!

Friday: 8 Mile Run!

Saturday: Stretch & Strengthen

Am I the only one who finds it ironic that on week 8 I am running an 8 mile long run? And if you are keeping track, I am up to 20 miles this week! Thanks for all the motivation and votes everyone! Keep them coming! You can also join me on by clicking here, as I just signed up to help better track my workouts and to enjoy the camaraderie of other runners and athletes even more!


Half Marathon Training: Week 7 October 24, 2011

Although I managed to complete all of my workouts last week, I ran out of steam towards the end of the week. I think it was because of the relay I ran at the Detroit Marathon. Even though I approached the run as a fun training run, I still gave it all I had and then continued on with my training for the Rock ‘n Roll Las Vegas Half Marathon.

Here is what Hal is having me do for week 7!

Sunday: 4.5 Mile Run

Monday: Insanity DVD

Tuesday: Rest Day!

Wednesday: 4.5 Mile Run & Strength Training

Thursday: 3 Mile Run

Friday: 7 Mile Run

Saturday: Stretch & Strengthen

Did you notice that my total mileage for the week went up again? I have to admit that I am a little nervous about my 7 mile long run. I have never ran that far before at one time! And each week going forward, it is just going to get longer! Feel free to cheer  me on and offer words of encouragement. And while you are at it, vote for me so I can win a grant from Refuel with Chocolate milk! Each vote will help me get through all those miles!


Half Marathon Training: Week 6 October 16, 2011

I really can not believe that I am on week 6 of training for my first half marathon! Time flies when you are a runner! Last week’s training plan went well. The only change I made was omitting my 2 mile run in order to feel more rested for my relay at the Detroit Marathon. (Don’t worry, you will get a full recap of that race later in the week!)

Here are my plans for week 6!

Sunday: Detroit Marathon relay (My portion is 6 miles!)

Monday: Stretch & Strengthen

Tuesday: 4 Mile Run & Strength Training

Wednesday: 4 Mile Run

Thursday: Pilates

Friday: 2 Mile Run

Saturday: Rest day & date night with the hubby to celebrate his birthday!

What a fun week I have ahead! How does your week look?


Half Marathon Training: Week 5 October 10, 2011

I am sad to report that I missed two of my workouts last week. 😦 The first one I missed was because of being sick. After over two weeks of battling a cold, I finally decided to listen to my body and give myself the rest I was craving. And you know what? My body knew exactly what I needed. The very next day after taking the day off from running, I felt 100% better. I think I need to listen to my body more often! The next workout I missed was because we were visiting family. Instead of working out, I was spending time with loved ones and eating yummy food. It was great!

But now it is time to get back on track.

Here is what week 5 has in store for me!

Sunday: 4 Mile Run

Monday: 20 minutes stair stepper & pilates DVD

Tuesday: 4 Mile Run & Strength Training

Wednesday: 2 Mile Run

Thursday: 6 Mile Run

Friday: Stretch & Strengthen

Saturday: Rest

If you have been keeping track, you will notice that my mileage has increased again! At the end of the week I will be getting in a total of 16 miles! On Friday, I will also be going to the Detroit Marathon race expo. I can’t wait!

What is your favorite part of going to a race expo?


Half Marathon Training: Week 3 September 26, 2011

Overall week 2 of training went well, but I did have two small issues that I should mention. The first is that I have been extremely hungry lately. I am assuming it is because I am working out more than I am used to, but regrettably I have been eating food that is not so great for me. Namely sweets. Which I am sure in turn, is making me hungrier. So I am going to make healthier choices this week! The second area of concern is that my running shoes have been feeling uncomfortable. I have been running in the same size and same brand / style for over a year now, so this took me by surprise. If I run more than a couple of miles my shoes start to feel tight, especially on the top of my right foot. I have received a lot of great feedback about this problem from some of my Twitter friends. One of them has a great blog of his own about training for his first full marathon at the Las Vegas Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon. You should check it out! Click here! The other is not currently a blogger but she is a great person to follow on Twitter, click here to do so! They both agreed that I may need to get my feet re-sized and even look into a different shoe. They both run in Brooks running shoes and coincidentally on October 1st, Brooks is releasing a new line of shoes called the PureProject Collection. These shoes have certainly been causing a lot of chatter in the running community and after reading a review of them by Katie from KatieRunsThis (click here to read her post), I see why. So on Saturday after work, I will be stopping at the Hanson Brooks running store to check them out for myself and I even if I don’t fall in love with the PureProject line, I am at least hoping to find THE perfect running show for me.

Here is what week 3 of training looks like for me!

Sunday: 3.5 Mile Run

Monday: Pilates & Stair Stepper

Tuesday: 3.5 Mile Run plus Strength Training

Wednesday: Rest Day!

Thursday: 2 Mile Run

Friday: 5 Mile Run

Saturday: Stretching & Strength Training

You probably have noticed that my mileage is increasing this week. During week 1 and week 2 of training I ran a total of 12 miles each week. This week I will be running a total of 14 miles!

How about you, is your mileage increasing this week also?